Last Thursday, Kitty and I spent in Utrecht. The city is little and cute, just like all Dutch cities I've seen so far (and I did a lot). We did a lot of walking until we found a cafe with chai latte and cheese cake.
Especially I enjoyed shopping in second-hand shops, which hide all the treasures, such as all the different books and tins, which I just NEEDED!!!
But not to lead you out of the topic. Here is the story about the french fries and the french frierer (who is the man who makes french fries, in case you don't know):
So we were on our way to the station, when we came across the BEST PATAT in the Netherlands! And of course I had to try them, because ever since in Holland I discovered this secret addiction to patat. So the first place had broken oven or something so we couldn't get some. But the guy selling them gave us all the instructions possible to find the other one. And as we always pretend to be from California (where else?!), Kitty understood everything the guys were speaking between each other. And as we are always charming lost tourists, they guys were: "Don't you wanna directly give them your number?"
He didn't, but gave us his signature instead. And ever since we were making fun if we should date rather french-frierer or .......
Voila, this is the story - haha.
Ale, aby som Vas neodvadzala zbytocne od temy, tu je pribeh o hranolkach a hranolkacovi (co je clovek, ktory vyraba hranolky, pre pripad, ze ste nevedeli):
Takze ked sme sa blizili na stanicu, presli sme okolo najlepsich hranoliek (patat) v celom Holandsku! A samozrejme som ich musela skusit, lebo kym som bola v tejto krajine, tak sa mi vyvinul nejaky smiesny zlozvyk pre hranolky.
Prve miesto, kde sme ich chceli skusit bolo pokazene (nieco s rurou). Ale chlapik, ktory obsluhoval, nas milerad navigoval na ich druhe miesto predaja. A nakolko, stale ked sme spolu, tak predstierame, ze vobec nerozumieme co hovoria po holandsky, a ze sme z Kalifornie (odkial inak?!), tak Kitty rozumela vsetko o com sa chlapci bavili. A nakolko sme ako stratene turistky hrooozne neodolatelne, tak chlapci boli: "Nechces im rovno dat svoje cislo?"
Cislo nam nedal, ale podpisal sa nam na mapu, ktoru nam nakreslil, aby sme nasli ich druhe hranolkove miesto. V kazdom pripade si odvtedy robime srandu, ci by sme radsej chodili s hranolkacom alebo......
Voila, tu je cela historka - haha.

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