First x-mas lights arrived to Prague and I was happy to discover them with my friend Petra.
Writing about x-mas today as it is 24th November, which leaves us only with 1 full month for shopping, preparation and wrapping the presents up!
Have you already started yet? Or leaving it for later on?
Share your ideas :)
Prve vianocne svetielka dorazili uz aj do Prahy a ja som mala to statie, ze mi ich ukazala moja kamoska Peta.
Specialne dnes pisem znovu o Vianociach, nakolko je 24.novembra, z coho vyplyva, ze mame presne 1 mesiac na to, aby sme vymysleli, nakupili a zabalili vianocne darceky!
Zacali ste uz s vianocnymi nakupmi? Alebo si ich odkladate na neskor?
Podelte sa o svoje dojmy a pojmy :)

this year I'm really into Xmas lights...I'm so curious to see more from all around the world. Prague looks so beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteIndeed it is and this is not even the biggest one! The lights look so much like a sky with shining stars! beautiful :)
DeleteI adore you
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You're welcome sweety! Let's do it than?! :)