Ok, it is probably official --> snow is gone!
But for those of you, who still refuse to admit it, I have another post full of pics from our ski vacation, with which I'll stock you up during the whole week - as we took more than googolplex of them - lol.
In case you wanna improve your geography of Slovakia, try to google Zuberec and you'll find the tiny village we stayed in. For the rest of you, who are not geo-freaks, here are some more pics of my family, friends and snow!
Ok, myslim ze je to oficialne --> sneh je prec!
Ale pre tych, ktori sa tejto myslienky odmietaju vzdat tu mam dalsi prispevok plny snehu z nasich jarnych prazdnin na lyziach, s ktorym Vas asi budem zasobovat po cely tyzden, nakolko sme nafotili asi milion fotiek - haha.
Pre tych z Vas, ktori maju potrebu zlepsit si svoju geografiu, skuste vygooglit Zuberec a najdete miesto, kde sme byvali - malu dedinku na Orave, ktora je poznacena turistickym ruchom :D
Pra Vas ostatnych, ktori sa zaobidete bez toho, aby ste vedeli presne lokalizovat Zuberec, su tu pre Vas fotky nasej rodiny, priatelov a snehu!
Tak si ich uzite!
My brother and my cousin - I told them to stand next to each other so I can snap the pic! LOL
Moj brat a moj bratranec - ulohou bolo, aby sa postavili k sebe - haha
View to the top - of course we didn't ski there!
A pohlad na hor do zlabu, kde sme my samozrejme nelyzovali!
And another group picture while the sun was shining!