August 31, 2012
super cute

August 30, 2012

August 28, 2012
and i dedicate this to ...

August 27, 2012
like a princess

August 24, 2012
4 more months

August 23, 2012
love for life
As I've already told you I've spent my b-day in Budapest with my dearest friends. I don't know what it is about the city, which makes me coming back again and again. There must be some special hidden magnet 'cos every time when I'm on a train back home, I am thinking and overthinking the idea of moving in permanently at least for a year.
But now when Csilla and Nora are there this dream might actually come true very easily and very soon! Let's wait and see.
I am presenting you now some pictures we took on our strolls around the town and also from party in Szimpla, which became our favorite place after visiting it over and over again in Berlin.
Have you ever been to Budapest? Do we share the passion, haha?
Ako som Vam uz povedala, svoje narodeniny som stravila v Budapesti so svojimi drahymi kamaratmi. Neviem cim to je, ale toto mesto ma stale taha spat. Zakazkym ked som vo vlaku spat domov, tak rozmyslam nad tym, ci by som nemala prist na trvalo a vyskusat byvat tu aspon na rok.
Teraz ked Csilla a Nora budu v meste, tak sa tato "fantasmagoria" mozno aj coskoro stane skutocnostou. Ktovie? Pockame si a uvidime :)

August 22, 2012
happy birthday moi!

August 18, 2012
a very morning experience

August 16, 2012
all those resolutions and revolutions

August 15, 2012
after the wedding

August 14, 2012
magic moments

August 12, 2012
Introducing: Francesca's Collection

August 10, 2012
laughter is timeless
Walt Disney Concert Hall in L.A. |

August 9, 2012
beautiful mess

August 8, 2012
money, fortune, fame

August 7, 2012
In a giant fairytale
General Sherman - the biggest sequoia |

August 6, 2012
On a way from San Diego
August 5, 2012
How free you are?
When being in the USA and driving on the highway just to get
from one part of city to the other, I started thinking about freedom and if
people in this country are really that free.
They say that it’s a country of unlimited choices and
opportunities and that everyone is free. But then again are you that free when
you can’t actually move without a car here? That you can’t even go shopping
groceries without driving at least 10 minutes – if you’re lucky, of course!
On the other hand, what a good thing it is to have a metro
in the city?
I was thinking about Berlin, how everyone goes green and
uses bikes and walks everywhere and then I found myself in the middle of a highway going home from Hollywood, which took us one hour or more and we are still in L.A., actually.

August 2, 2012
Hello illusion
Desperate housewives street. |
War of Worlds setting. |
What's new Scooby Doo? |
With Apollo 13 crew. |
The day was full of attractions, exploring and of course waiting in a line... But it was all worth it!
The best part for me was a 3D roller coaster, because I simply knew that I am safely on the ground and that there is just a movie screening in front of me. Really nice one! The Simpson ride is fully recommended by be - you won't be bored!

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