December 31, 2012

December 29, 2012
before the year is gone
Before this year is over I'd like to share with you some of my last x-mas photos.
Well, actually mostly the pics of our festive table which I love love love very much.
The combination of gold and white with everyone having a very own candle light and a napkin folded into a tree shape is super x-massy to me.
What do you think? How did you decorate your table?
PS: Surprise picture in the end of the post - haha.
Este skor ako sa tento rok skonci by som sa s Vami rada podelila o posledne vianocne fotky.
Teda viac menej hlavne o fotky naseho vianocneho stola, ktory sa mi tieto Vianoce obvzlast VELMI pacil.
Kombinacia zlatej a bielej, k tomu mal kazdy tanier vlastny svietnik a servitku poskladanu do tvaru stromceka - vianocna idylka :)
Ako vyzeral ten Vas stol?
PS: A na zaver este jedna extra-vianocna fotka - haha.

December 28, 2012
My very first
You won't believe what happened! I was featured in The Conversation - one of the most inspirational feminine online pages I know and follow!
I submitted my text in September and just yesterday discovered that it was online. I cannot explain enough how happy I was and still am.
I wrote about my friend Kitty, who I've introduced to you here and how she inspires me in almost every single way.
Please, click and check for yourself and let me know what you think!
Have a happy Friday!
Neuverite co sa stalo, lebo ani ja tomu z casti neverim! Ale moj clanok o Kitty bol publikovany na The Conversation - co je jeden z najinspirativnejsich zenskych online portalov, ake poznam, a ktore svedomito sledujem.
Svoj clanok som do projektu "I admire" poslala uz v septembri, ale uverejnili ho len vcera - konecne! Neviem ani opisat a vysvetlit, ako ma to nadchlo, ale ved ti, ktori ma poznate osobne si to asi celkom isto viete predstavit, ze?

December 26, 2012
the simplest thing
Hello you!
How did you spent Christmas, lovelies?
I bet you had a blast - eating loads, drinking loads and unwrapping loads of presents - am I right?
But isn't the most perfect time just to be home with your family and a Christmas tree?
Well, judge me, but my bro and I were messing around on the Christmas Eve and look how funny pics came out.
Wish you all a very nice after-x-mass happiness and relaxation!
Tak ako ste stravili tohtorocne Vianoce?
Urcite ste sa mali priam fanfarovo - vela ste jedli, vela ste pili, a tak isto ste si aj vela otvarali darceky - ze?
Ale nie je nahodou ten najkrajsi cas ten, kedy sme vsetci doma, s celou rodinou a vonavym vianocnym stromcekom?
No, v kazdom pripade, posudte sami ako sme s mojim bratom blbli v cas vianocny a pred tym ako sa u nas podavala stedrovecerna vecera sme este nafotili tieto zabavne fotky!
Tak a teraz Vam uz len zazelam stastne a vesele posviatkovanie!
Hlavne aby ste si oddychli, aby Vam splasli bruska a nacerpali sily na Silvestra :)

December 23, 2012
day before x-mas
Sometimes I wish it was possible to add music into the photo, so you can listen to the same Christmas songs as I did while snapping these pics!
The perfect atmosphere to have a date or just to stroll in a snow and smile around.
I was rushing to have a glass of Gluhwein with my friend, who I haven't seen in ages. And oh my, nothing has changed :)
Wish you a very pre-merry x-mas and talk to you tomorrow with loads of Christmas stuff!
Niekedy si zelam, aby bolo mozne vlozit do fotky hudbu, ktoru prave vtedy pocuvam. Bohuzial to este stale nie je mozne, a tak Vam to tu len opisem, ako uplne dokonalu vianocnu atmosferu dnesneho vecera.
Vonku padal sneh, svetialka svietili, na Hlavnej ulici sa ozyvali koledy a ja som mala na ponahlo na rande s kamoskou, ktoru som nevidela roky.
A viete co? Nic sa nezmenilo, znovu ako keby sme mali 13 a sedeli spolu v lavici :D
Zelam Vam krasny predvianocny vecer! Zajtra sa teste na zaplavu Vianoc (ak budem stihat)!

December 18, 2012
dreaming of a white Christmas
Pictures from last year when I did have some time spare and manage to craft a lil bit.
Now I'm just writing down few warm word and rushing to the post wishing my M&S cards will arrive before X-mas!
Have you sent them already? Or is there a super long queue at the post?

getting THE spirit
December 14, 2012
Play more!
Immediately after that MAC ad yesterday, I did some more digging and found that it certainly wasn't revolutionary, as Madewell and Kate Spade already did so as well. But here you go, for your very own inspiration, enjoy and play with these two more! (just click on them to watch)
Ok, seems that there are some difficulties when it comes to opening the videos. That's why I'm leaving you only with the link to interlude where among their projects you'll find also Madewell and Kate Spade video. Click to watch!
Which one is your favorite?
Hned po tom, ako som tu vcera uverejnila interaktivnu reklamu od MAC, tak som si o nich zacala trochu viac googlit, a zistila som, ze neslo velmi o revoluciu, nakolko uz podobne reklamy urobili Madewell a Kate Spade. Ponukam Vam ich tu pre porovnanie, aby ste sa mohli trochu viac zahrat a pobavit sa! (video sa zobrazi po kliknuti na nazov, nepodarilo sa mi ich tu vlozit, sorry!)
Ok, nakolko nejako zlyhalo spojenie medzi videami a blogom, tak Vam tu nechavam odkaz priamo na interlude, kde medzi ich projektmi najdete aj uz spomenute videa od Madewell a Kate Spade. Click to watch!
Ktora je Vasa oblubena?

Immediately after that MAC ad yesterday, I did some more digging and found that it certainly wasn't revolutionary, as Madewell and Kate Spade already did so as well. But here you go, for your very own inspiration, enjoy and play with these two more! (just click on them to watch)
Ok, seems that there are some difficulties when it comes to opening the videos. That's why I'm leaving you only with the link to interlude where among their projects you'll find also Madewell and Kate Spade video. Click to watch!
Which one is your favorite?

December 13, 2012
Let's play!

December 12, 2012
little blue box
December 10, 2012
Sometimes you don't have to drive over the borders to get into the best Christmas mood!
Our Christmas Market here in Prague. Wouldn't recommend to drink "Gluhwein" there, but besides this, we have the prettiest "Tannenbaum".
Nas vianocny trh v Prahe. Asi by som Vam neodporucala pit tam varene vino, ale az na tento detail tam vladne prima vianocna atmosfera a jednoznacne mame najkrajsi vianocny stromcek!

December 7, 2012
...and one more for today

Christmas cow inspiration
When I've got time, I like to craft presents for my friends. Not that I have some time left now, but I managed to squeeze it in - somehow.
And so far, my friend Csilla already received the package where I carefully packed this cow, I can reveal it here as well!
Ked mam cas, tak rada majstrujem darceky pre mojich kamaratov. Nie zeby som mala cas teraz, ale nejak sa mi ho podarilo vtlacit medzi tie skusky a testy, co ma cakaju.
A nakolko Csilla uz dostala balicek, kde som jej tuto kravu opatrne zabalila, myslim, ze ju teda mozem zverejnit aj na blogu:)
Honestly, it's no big deal. I just bought a cow for milk in the shop and decided to personalize it a lil bit. So I bought colors for porcelain and got started. The aim was to make a christmas cow, but my mum calls it rather a Hungarian national cow - due to the colors, I guess :D
Ziadnu vedu za tym nehladajte. V obchode som kupila kravicku na mlieko, a rozhodla som sa ju personalizovat a urobit z nej vianocnu kravu. S pomocou fixiek na porcelan to slo velmi lahko, i ked mamka vyhlasila, ze vyzera skor ako madarska narodna krava :D
Yep, yep, me being super concentrated on my job!

December 6, 2012
6th December
December 3, 2012
Vianočky na trhu, part 2
I don't know how Germans do it, but for some reason Christmas markets here are always OVERCROWDED!!! And with overcrowded I mean SUPER overcrowded. It's like walking into Zara, when they have sales, or even when they don't, or walking into Tesco on Friday afternoon, when everyone is shopping for weekend. Yes, this is a Christmas Market in Germany. And it wasn't different in Dresden this weekend either.
It might be the high quality mixed with expectations but for some reason there were like million Czech people everywhere and it was pretty difficult to spot a German among them haha.
Now, I'm sending you some more christmasy pictures from the weekend. Hope you'll enjoy and get inspired to go and get your x-mas mug from some x-mas market!
Do you also travel for x-mas market? Which one is your favorite?
Let me know I am all ears!
Neviem ako to ti Nemci robia, ale z nejakeho dovodu su stale nemecke vianocne trhy uplne PREPCHATE! A myslim tym SUPER prepchate. Nieco ako ked vojdete do Zary, ked maju vypredaje, sice aj ked nemaju, alebo ked vojdete do Tesca v piatok poobede, ked si kazdy robi zasoby na vikend. Ano, inak tomu nebolo ani tento vikend v Drazdanoch.
Je to mozno tou vysokou kvalitou, ktora sa tu miesa s ocakavaniami a dojazdovou blizkostou, ale tento vikend tam bolo asi milion Cechov, a bolo vazne zlozite najst v tej mase ludi nejakeho Nemca - haha.
Dnes Vam tu este necham zopar fotiek z trhov, aby ste sa inspirovali a nacerpali vianocnu atmosferu.
Cestujete aj Vy za vianocnymi trhmi? Ktory je Vas najoblubenejsi?
Som same usi!
Vianocna "štóla" - velmi typicka pre nemecky trh
Och, tieto babatka v orechovej skrupinke sa pre mna stavaju vyzvou Vianoc, pokusim sa nieco take zmajstrovat doma! Nemoze to byt az take tazke haha
Dve vianocky vysmiate ako leco :D
Ozdoby na stromcek
Dali sme si samozrejme aj pecene gastany - mnam!

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